Backing Materials
NYTEK® products have good tensile and tear strength without backing. However for some applications, backing such as foam tricot may facilitate easier installation and provide softness, acoustical properties, and additional thickness. Polycotton sheeting backing may be used to reduce stretch. Foam tricot or knit provides dimensional stability in high humidity. All backings are made to order and add a week or two to the delivery.
Poly/cotton Sheeting
NOVASUEDE® and all faux leather NYTEK® products being used for wallcovering applications where standard or heavy duty water based wall cements are applied can be backed with a polyester/cotton plain weave sheeting. This takes out the stretch and provides dimensional stability. Without the backing, the Nytek could be stretched during hanging and then shrink after the adhesive dries, resulting in seam separation. The cement used to adhere the sheeting to the Nytek also reduces the tendency of the nylon microfiber matrix to absorb the wall cement. Refer to the discussion in the WALLCOVERING section of this guide.
Poly/cotton sheeting backed Nytek also can be used in direct contact cement applications when there are no rounded or complex shapes involved and where maximum stretch is necessary. The polycotton sheeting firms the hand of the Nytek, so it is generally not recommended for upholstery applications.
1/8 Inch Foam and Tricot
The standard backing for a marine headliner is 1/8 inch polyurethane foam with a nylon tricot knit. The foam has acoustical properties and a soft cushiony feel. The tricot knit supports the foam and provides a smooth, slippery surface to slide across a plywood panel when covering, and prevents the foam from grabbing the wood and bunching when stretching the material. Together the foam and tricot help stabilize the Nytek in high humidity. If a customer wants foam padding under Nytek for a headliner application, the installer should not glue Nytek to their own foam. Spots will form with low bond that will bubble in high humidity or too much cement could saturate the foam resulting in thumbprinting. Majilite uses a special process to ensure a strong bond between the foam and the entire roll of Nytek.
Nytek products with foam tricot can be used in stretch and staple applications and must be stretched properly. Please see the suggestions in the MARINE APPLICATIONS section of this Users Guide. These backings also can be used in direct cement applications with contact cements. Please refer to the suggestions in the DIRECT CEMENT APPLICATION section of this Users Guide.
1/16 Inch Foam and Tricot
Constructed the same as the 1/8 inch foam but thinner, this backing can be used similarly. A thinner package may be necessary due to space constraints, such as tightly fitting panels. A thinner foam will have less tendency to form folds or creases on tight concave curves.
1/4 Inch Foam and Tricot
This version is available for special applications where a thicker material is desired. It also is constructed the same way as the 1/8 inch package.
Cotton Knit
A cotton knit backing is available for special upholstery and other applications. It provides dimensional stability while still allowing plenty of stretch.
Novasuede and Nytek products are used primarily in upholstery applications that generally do not need backing. Consult a Majilite representative to determine whether a knit backing is advisable for a particular project.