How should I take care of NOVASUEDE® furniture?
Periodic cleaning of airborne dust and dirt is the key to long life for carpets, draperies, and upholstery fabrics. Brush NOVASUEDE® with a soft nylon lint brush, similar to a Magik or Miracle brush, avoiding metal brushes or those with stiff bristles. Normal, regular vacuuming for a few minutes a week also will remove dust deposits, prevent soil build-up, and keep your NOVASUEDE® furniture looking fresh and new.
What about spills?
NOVASUEDE®s microfiber structure causes many spills to “bead up” on the surface. Often all that is needed is quick action with a dry cloth to absorb the liquid.
What do I do about stains?
Dont be alarmed about a dried spill on NOVASUEDE®. The fabric easily “releases” most stains with normal cleaning techniques. Blot (if still sticky) or brush out (if dry) any excess staining material. Water-soluble stains can be removed by dabbing the affected area with mild soapy water using Woolite, Joy, Dove or any mild dishwashing soap. Avoid soaking the suede to prevent soap build-up; rather dab the stain with soapy water and blot with a clean cloth like a soft absorbent terry cloth towel. For more stubborn stains, brush with a soft toothbrush and blot. A 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water is another good cleaning agent.
For non water-soluble stains such as grease, use a petroleum solvent (mineral spirits, naphtha, or a spot remover with perchloroethylene). Moisten a clean cloth with the solvent, dab the stained area, and blot with a clean dry cloth.
After cleaning, allow the suede to air dry or dry quickly on the warm setting of a hair dryer. Brush to restore the nap.
What do I do about rings?
“Rings” remaining after cleaning or drying usually are the result of some residual soap or cleaning solution remaining in the fabric. Even water can leave a ring of minerals, salts, dust or other contaminants. Rings or spots also may be areas where the suede microfibers have clumped together. Many rings can be brushed out.
For a more stubborn ring, try cleaning the area again with clear water using a sponge or soft clean cloth. A “feathering” technique (working from the center out) will help prevent the ring from reappearing. Blot as much of the water as possible with a dry towel. Quick drying with a hair dryer (or fan) set at the warm setting can help prevent ring formation. When dry, always brush to restore the nap.
What about stains or soiled areas too large to spot clean?
For large areas, a wet extraction process, available through most professional cleaning services, is recommended. These large stains also can be removed using a home wet vacuum system, such as a Bissell carpet cleaner with small upholstery attachment. Use a mild soap and cool to lukewarm water. Do not soak the suede. Spray and vacuum; lightly brushing if necessary. Use water to remove soap residue. Allow the suede to dry completely then lightly brush to restore the nap. Removable cushion covers also may be washed on a gentle cycle in a washing machine using cold water and Woolite followed by a cold rinse. Air-dry the suede or lightly tumble the cover in a dryer on a cool setting. Brush the suede lightly after drying.
Can I treat my NOVASUEDE® furniture with Scotchgard or other fabric protectors?
Professionals should apply Scotchgard, Fiberseal, Soilshield, and other commercial fabric protectors on NOVASUEDE® to ensure adequate and complete coverage. With any treatment, we recommend a preliminary test to make sure that the hand, texture, or color of the material will not be affected.
What are the advantages of using fabric treatment?
Good quality fabric treatments can enhance the water repellency and stain release characteristics of NOVASUEDE®. Many fabric protection applicators guarantee their products and provide care and cleaning guides for customers. Professional cleaners also can provide quick and timely local service. Buyers also might be more comfortable knowing a fabric treatment has been applied, especially one with a warranty.